Become a Member

According to LVSSA Charter, Articles of Incorporation, and By-laws -- LVSSA is a senior organization. Accordingly, members must be age 50 by the end of the year that they join. New Members should be able to run. New members are required to purchase their own bat and glove. New members shall never use someone else's equipment without asking permission

Yearly dues are $80.  Dues must be paid buy January 31.  Returning LVSSA members that paid after that date will be charged $90.    Ladies annual dues are $60, or $70 if paid after January 31st. September 1 dues for new members will be $30

1. All members must complete a "Liability Release/Membership Card" form.
2. All members are expected to follow the LVSSA's By-Laws.
3. Members who do not pay yearly dues amount must pay to attend the annual membership meeting.
4. Checks should be made out to "LVSSA". Checks, liability form/membership cards should be given to the Membership Chairperson or to a field Commissioner.

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